Cemetery & Funeral Home Partners
Here at Holy Land Wood and Stone, our mission includes connecting with the broken-hearted and embracing those wounded by loss. Offering comfort isn't just a goal; it's deeply personal and something we're profoundly passionate about.
When I lost my own father, I was shattered. My dad stood as a quiet yet powerful pillar of support in my life. His smile, like precious stone, was rare but radiant. His laughter was a melody capable of giving warmth on the coldest days. And his words were few, so they would resonate in my ears long after they had faded into silence.
Our experience with loss has fueled our commitment to offering a portfolio of cherished bereavement keepsakes, providing others with something tangible to connect them to their loved ones. All of our keepsakes are two piece designs; one piece to remain with the deceased and the other to be kept as a physical sign of the love that will endure.
For me, this poignant symbol preserves my father's legacy and reminds me that his presence continues alongside mine. It serves as a continual source of connection and peace.
Take a look at our portfolio and let us know how we can help provide this to your families or customers. Note: all prices are retail. Contact us Jen at Jen@HolyLandWoodAndStone.com for bulk pricing.